Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Good reading

This weekend I read my two new books - Made From Scratch and Chick Days, both by Jenna Woginrich.  I stumbled upon Jenna's blog over the holidays and it has inspired me to pursue homesteading...not as in completely off-the-grid homesteading, but making changes where I can to live a more rewarding life.  Now that we are out in the country, it seems like a natural lifestyle shift.

I read both books in two days and had a blast doing it.  Jenna has a unique writing style that makes you feel like you are there with her as she experiences making the shift to homesteading.  She shares her triumphs and errors (a lot of "how to" books do not share the down sides).  And she peppers it with funny anecdotes that just make you laugh out loud.  I recommend both if you are thinking about making this lifestyle change.  She does not go into depth on any one topic in Made From Scratch - instead she gives snippets of things she has done that you can do too.  Chick Days is very detailed as she explains how to raise chickens from Day 1 through the egg-laying stage.  The photographs are beautiful and the information is detailed.  I cannot wait to get some chickens!

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