Monday, October 24, 2011

Almost back to normal....

Wow...been a long two weeks....this cold kicked my butt!   I think I am finally at the end of it though.  My voice just keeps coming and going now.

Thank you all for the tips and hints.  Unfortunately for this round, Sudafed was my best friend.  But I fully intend to look into the suggestions you gave and be ready for the next time!

I also had my husband make a big pot of chicken noodle soup and ate it for lunch and dinner for a week straight.  He makes such FABULOUS chicken soup.  If I could have hooked it up to an IV, I would have.  Every time I had a bowl I felt a ton better.  So now we have about 5 containers of it in the freezer ready to heat and eat :-)

This past weekend, we were supposed to have our 3rd annual bonfire, but only a couple people showed up, so we just had a fire in the firepit instead.  But we made up a big pot of chili and froze the leftovers so the freezer is now stocked!

The chickens have started producing more eggs - which I thought was strange as the temps have fallen quite a bit here in the last couple of weeks.  But, I will take it!  We are now averaging 2-3 eggs per day, and we even had a couple days where all 4 laid in the same day.  We had a couple with very thin shells, so I have added a small bowl of oyster shell for them, free choice.  They don't seem to mind the chilly mornings - but I have also started giving them some scratch grain in the evenings when I know it will dip below 40F - 45F overnight.

They are loving the grass clippings with all the leaves in them, as the leaves are falling faster than they are changing color.  I guess it is because of the hot, dry summer we had this year.  But there is still some pretty color here and there.

Sorry that I have been MIA - I feel guilty for not posting my Tidbit Tuesdays or Whiny Wednesdays, but you will have them both this week!

Hope everyone is healthy and getting to enjoy some cooler fall weather and some foliage displays!


Leigh said...

I'm so, so glad to hear you're doing better. It's horrible to be so sick. Chicken soup though, is miracle food. So glad you had the good stuff. :)

Carolyn said...

Glad you're among the living again!

BrokenRoadFarm said...

Thanks ladies! It was horrible, and thank goodness for chicken soup! Though I did feel guilty for not using a home grown chicken, but we only have 4 and we like the eggs more :-)